The Corbett Report
The Corbett Report Podcast
The Newspaper Revolution - #SolutionsWatch

The Newspaper Revolution - #SolutionsWatch


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The BBC and their fact checker brethren want you to be deathly afraid of the latest scourge threatening to tear apart society at its seams: the newspaper! That's right, it seems that the establishment is freaking out at the crop of independently published and distributed newspapers that activists are printing in various countries around the world. In this week's edition of #SolutionsWatch, I talk to two of the thoughtcriminals engaging in this activity and find out what's behind the newspaper revolution and how people can pitch in.

Are you looking for comments? How about a list of show notes documenting all of the things mentioned in this episode? They’re at The Corbett Report website. Just click on the SHOW NOTES link to go directly there!

The Corbett Report
The Corbett Report Podcast
The Corbett Report explore the world of politics, history, science and economics from a radically alternative perspective. From geopolitical conspiracies to monetary manipulation, repressed history and social engineering, The Corbett Report goes where other podcasts fear to tread.